People & Organisation

People & Organisation

Courses Offered for All Sectors

Popular Courses

Specialized Courses (Continued Professional Development)

PO310A: Foundations of Strategic Communication (2-Day Tutorial and Workshop)

PO320A: Media & Public Relations Management (3-Day Tutorial and Workshop)

PO330A: Crisis & Risk Communication (2-Day Workshop)

PO340A: Leadership & Internal Communication (3-Day Workshop)

PO321B: Narrative & Strategic Messaging (5 – 15 Day tailored course)

PO333A: Introduction to Strategic Management (3 day workshop)

PO333B: Corporate Strategy Formulation (2-day workshop)

PO333C: Business Strategy (3-Day Workshop)

PO343A: Organizational Change and Adaptation (5-Day Workshop)

PO353A: Strategic Control and Evaluation (3 Day Workshop)

PO355A: Corporate Social Responsibility & Ethics in Strategy (3-day Course)

5. Strategic Risk Management (2-Day Workshop)

PO355A: Leadership and Strategic Management (5-Day Workshop)

Defence and Security Courses

PO110A: Introduction to Ethics in Defense (3-day Workshop)

PO110B: Military Ethics and the Laws of Armed Conflict (2-day Workshop)

PO111A: Leadership and Accountability in the Military (3-Day Workshop)

PO111B: The Ethics of Command: Orders, Obedience, and Disobedience (2-Day Workshop)

PO112A: Building Ethical Cultures in Defense Organizations (3-day workshop)

PO112B: Conflict of Interest and Professional Integrity in Military Leadership (Flexible)

PO113A: Leadership, Morality, and the Management of Military Resources (3-Day Course)

PO113B: Case Studies in Ethics and Leadership (2-Day Workshop)

PO114A: The Ethics of War and Peace (5-Day Workshop)

PO115A: Conflict of Interest and Professional Integrity in Military Leadership (5-Day Course)

PO115B: Leadership, Morality, and the Management of Military Resources (5-Day Workshop)

PO116A: Ethics and Leadership in Post-Conflict and Peacekeeping Operations

PO117A: The Ethics of War and Peace (2-Day course)

PO117B: Developing Ethical Leadership in Defense Organizations (2-Day Course)


PO117C: Case Studies in Ethics and Leadership (1-Day Course)

Flexible Courses for All Sectors

Our courses are specifically tailored for all sectors

Our CPD courses are available as short masterclasses or week-long courses.

For a list of off-the-shelf courses please see course tables in respective sections. 

All courses can be adapted to your bespoke requirement for content and duration, we can advise you on comprehensive solutions for your needs. Please contact us with your specific needs and course elements you are interested in.

Our delivery team includes deep subject experts and well established practitioners who provide a well-rounded experience to our clients.

All courses are available in a variety of formats such as Workshops; Lectures & Discussion; Scenario-based Exercises; Seminars or a combination of these.

We deliver our courses face to face, online or in a blended format. Courses may be run at our facility in Cirencester, in neutral venues, or at your facility (please contact us to discuss feasibility).   


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)