Preparing Leaders
for Success
Helping Organisational development through leadership, strategy, and change. View services Leadership & Organisation
Capability and Capacity Building Molding the Next
View services
Pushing the Industry
Defense & Security Solutions for the emerging era. View services Defence and Security

Our Mission

With a global outlook, deliver local solutions for change and transformation, developing capabilities and capacity needed to succeed in a competitive, dynamic and complex landscape.

Our Values

1. Innovation – Remain committed to ongoing learning and continuous improvement, pursuing cutting-edge solutions while striving for the highest standards to stay at the forefront training, education and consulting. 2. Integrity – Deliver on commitments and uphold honesty, transparency, ethical practices and principles in every aspect of our work. 3. Growth. Invest in people and embrace change.

Our Vision

Remain at the forefront of research and innovation, inspiring leaders and organisations to excel in a dynamic and complex environment.
About us

Inspire Defense and Security Ltd.

Inspire Defence and Security Ltd, provides consultation services and tailored solutions for human capital and organisational development across different sectors with a particular focus on the challenging environment within which defence and security organisations function. We provide a comprehensive range of accredited and continuous professional development courses and consultation in the following areas:

◉ Leadership, Strategy, Change and transformations
◉ Engineering and Technology,
◉ Law and Governance
◉ Capability and Capacity Building.
◉ Artificial Intelligence, Cyber, Intelligence and Communications.

With practical insights from across the global we deliver local solutions that are tailored to the peculiar environment and needs of industry. We help individuals and organisations to navigate change and become competitive though innovation, developing business practices and a focus on human capital .
The current seismic shift we are experiencing in the global order brings with it a need for leaders that think differently and organisations that are agile and responsive to hyper change. We can help organisations on this journey through education, training
and consultancy built on robust research.

Our Motto: Learn, Excel, Lead!





Training and Education


Our strap line says it all: Learn | Inspire | Lead, captured in the company ethos ‘Erudito’

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Projects Completed

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Case Studies

Selected Case Studies

Coming Soon!


Encouraging Words From our Wonderful Clients


The Latest from Inspire Defense & Security

Coming Soon!


The Professionals driving our Success

Dr Iftikhar Zaidi

Board Member and Managing Director

Dr Kristine Zaidi

Board Member and Executive Co-Director

Mr Jens Clotten

Non-Executive Director and Chairperson of the Boards

Prof Amer Hameed

Board Member Non-Executive Director


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)